Nya bilder ute i Atlas Magazine
Analogt från plåtningen till HUF
Nytt jobb för HUF magazine
Ni som följer mig på Instagram har säkert redan sett de här bilderna dyka upp redan för någon vecka sedan, men jag tänkte att de ändå är värda att få hamna här på bloggen. Tyckte de blev så fina, och dem får en att längta lite extra till varmare dagar igen. Bilderna togs en superhärlig september-dag tillsammans med Martina som gjorde styling, Aleksander som gjorde smink och de där vackra blomster-verken på kroppen, Dani modellade och Julia assisterade.
Hanna S
Highland Cattle
Mina bilder i Lucys Magazine
Nytt jobb i LUCY's Magazine
l've worked with these amazing women several times before and when we do something like this we don't really plan it. This time I think we just decided on silver and white color palette, and I gave Louise and Josephine free hands to become as creative as they wanted to!
Louise actually made that amazing dress after work a couple of nights before the shoot. She is kind of crazy like that. And so talented! I remember that Josephine and I looked at some pictures when we were doing another shoot and we fell in love with this picture of a girl in a silver room by Petra Collins and decided then and there that we were going to do something with silver. I thing we even shook hands that second!
Silver is also what made photography possible from the very beginning, and it is still present in film photography, so I guess I owe silver a little tribute."